I am now a published author
That is not strictly accurate, but why let the truth get in the way of a good story?
Let me try again
I have written an e-book; well it is more of an e-pamphlet
It is available at all good book stores; well OK it is self published and is only available on this web site
However the reviews are fantastic:
“This is one of the most insightful pieces of literature ever written about service improvement”
Katherine Lawther (my mum)
It is called 10 things you really should know. To get your copy click here
If you want to print it off and send it to me with a stamped addressed envelope, I will even sign it for you
Image by Brian Sawyer
Read another opinion
Hello James
You talk more sense than many authors that I have read. Well done. And thanks for putting this together and making it available to the world.
Hi James,
Brilliant, pithy and insightful! And, I’ve only just scanned through this. Looking forward to getting stuck into it. Oh, and if you can email me your address I’ll take you up on the signed copy ;)