Psychological Claptrap
They say self belief is a powerful thing, it can drive you forward or hold you back, it is the proverbial double-edged sword. What you believe to be true easily becomes so.
Are they making rational statements or is it just a load of old hocus pocus?
Let me tell you a story…
The story in my head
What I see: My boss walking my way after I have just finished a presentation to the board; coming to say something to me
What I believe: I am not good at presentations; I always put both my feet in my mouth: I am the master of political in-correctness
How I interpret it: My boss is going to give me some feedback, feedback of the sort I can really, really do without
How I act: I shrug internally and wait for the inevitable
My boss’s version of events
What he sees: He is coming to congratulate me about a presentation when I look at him and shudder
What he believes: I can get tetchy after presentations, I over analyse them
How he interprets it: I am still a little stressed
How he acts: He turns around, the praise can wait
Back in my head
What I see: My boss shaking his head and turning around
What I believe: My presentation really was that bad
How I interpret it: He can’t even be bothered to come and give me the feedback
How I act: I flare up and start to storm down the corridor after him
The terrible truth
These beliefs are only real in our heads; we all have them, and we would hate for them to be true. Yet they can so easily become self-fulfilling.
If you could create some beliefs in your head, positive ones that helped, rather than hindered you, what would they be? I’d bet they aren’t even a stretch of the imagination.
What would you like to believe? If you focused on that for 5 minutes, started to believe it, maybe others will believe it too.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right ~ Henry Ford
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Image by nanny snowflake
Hi James,
Is this autobiographical?
Semi autobiographical, with a bit of artistic licence thrown in.
The bit about putting my foot in my mouth would never happen, honest
Hello James
I wrote about beliefs and how they can imprison us. Here is the link:
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts.