In his book To Sell is Human Dan Pink puts forward a simple idea. Whatever your walk of life you sell things:
- My wife sells doing the dishes to me
- I am selling ideas to you
- You sell projects to sponsors
Every day we try to coax, cajole and convince people to do something for us.
So here is a tip for your next sponsor update / project briefing / meeting with your boss.
Not wait as in postpone it and put it off (though this is tempting for discussions with my boss), wait as in ask yourself…
Why Am I Talking?
Are you really sure that what you are saying is helping you? Wouldn’t you learn a whole lot more about getting what you need from the person you’re talking to if you just listened to them?
WAIT as in sit down and shut up
It might just help you sell your next big project.
P.S. I tagged this post “do as I say, not as I do”
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak ~ Epictetus
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Image by moonux
Note: SILENT requires same letters as LISTEN. HMMM. need a cup of tea
I’m a bit confused. Happens often. So, I have a question: if your boss wants an update and you opt to WAIT and listen, where and how does the update happen?
Or, are you suggesting that you should find out what sort of update they want, what questions they need answering, answer those questions and then stop talking and listen?
What Adrian said… thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense.
Annette :-)