You can find just about anything on the internet
The web is full of ideas, answers and solution. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, and some of it — for some reason that is beyond me — is about laughing cats.
If you must waste your life surfing the net (and I guess you must as you are reading this) then you really should have a look at
Here are 5 of my favourite TED talks. I promise they will make you think.
The puzzle of motivation
Daniel Pink asks if rewards and targets work:
What makes us feel good about our work
Dan Ariely discusses meaningful work and Lego models:
The happy secret to better work
Shawn Achor talks about success, happiness and which comes first:
Trial, error and the God complex
Tim Harford tells us the best way to solve problems
Where good ideas come from.
Steven Johnson explains why you should invest in free coffee at work
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Excellent article. I recommend Shawn Achor’s “the Happiness Advantage” to just about anyone. I’ve been reading self help / psychology books since Wayne Dyer’s “Your Erroneous Zones”… and before. The Happiness Advantage is the best and most useful book I’ve come across in many years!
Thanks for the recommendation Dan, I will add it to my reading list
Thank you, James. Five great talks!
I like this one, too… Design Thinking and Empathy by Doug Dietz. It’s moving.
Annette :-)
Fascinating, thank you Annette
What motivates me reminded me of this from the Royal Society.
An ingenious way to get across some complex sociological points of view
If you like this, then have a look at their others covering amongst others “the crisis of capitalism”, “the economic consequences of Mr Brown”, “the internet in society” and much more.
Rich pickings, James, if you’ve not see these before…
Thanks very much for the recommendations Nick
Hello James,
I thank you for sharing these talks. Given that I have seen the first four it occurs to me that you and I have similar tastes. I am about to check out the Steven Johnson talk.