The way we act is based on our beliefs
Sometimes these beliefs are based on strong evidence and sometimes, well, less so. Of course this is as true in management as any other human endeavour.
Are our management beliefs based on evidence?
Have a look at the slideshare below and tell me what you think? Do theory and practice match?
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Image by tlchua99
These are days everyone is in a hurry. Branding guys is preferred over mentoring. You either run or get eaten. It is interesting to see Amazon do the old-fashioned way!
Isn’t it just? Thanks for the comment
Great presentation. Very nicely done. Check out:
I think you’ll be impressed by what Deloitte are trying to do. Well, at least, they are starting along a performance review/management redesign/reconsideration pathway.
Thanks for the link Adrian, fascinating, maybe I should apply for a job.
Hello James,
Love the deck that you have put together. The clincher for me is the one that you saved for the end: would you give the folks that matter to you in your personal life (partner, children, parents, sibling, friends) a performance review..?
I wish you the very best.
I did try it one year with Mrs L. Maz. She was less than grateful for the feedback