How to lose weight
There is a tried and tested way to lose weight….
- Commit to losing weight.
- Measure progress — stones or kilos, whichever works.
- Find the most important input, the one with most leverage, (calories) and measure that as well.
- Try things that will have a positive impact on the important input. Use smaller plates, lay of the booze, join a gym, walk the dog. Then stick with the ones that work.
- Discuss how you are doing. Join a weight loss club. A little peer pressure is a wonderful thing.
There is a way to lose weight
It doesn’t rely on; fat loss pills, miracle injections, abdominisers or meal replacement strawberry flavoured protein shakes…
It involves:
- Clarity of purpose
- Measurement of both inputs an outputs
- Action
- Peer pressure
- A bucket full of routine
Losing weight isn’t difficult, just hard work.
P.S. If an advertorial is trying to sell you the…
Revolutionary Guaranteed –Succeed Where Everybody Else Has Failed
Crash Weight Loss Method™
You probably shouldn’t be buying it.
How to improve performance
There is a tried and tested way to improve performance…
- Commit to improving — say — customer service.
- Measure your progress — net promotor score or customer satisfaction, whatever works.
- Find the most important input, the one with the most leverage. It might be turnaround times, or queue lengths, or clean rooms, or fast delivery, you need to work it out. Then measure that as well.
- Try things that will have a positive impact on the most important input. Reduce handoffs, stock cleaning trolleys or speed up loading times, you know better than I. Then stick with the ones that work.
- Discuss how you are doing. Review progress with your coworkers. A little peer pressure is a wonderful thing.
There is a way to improve performance
It doesn’t rely on; robotics, big data, a new system or the strategic operational excellence discipline of capability improvement…
It involves:
- Clarity of purpose
- Measurement of both inputs an outputs
- Action
- Peer pressure
- A bucket full of routine
Improving performance isn’t difficult, just hard work.
P.S. If a consultant is trying to sell you the:
Revolutionary Guaranteed — Succeed Where Everybody Else Has Failed
Crash Improvement Method™
You probably shouldn’t be buying it…
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Image by Dennis Sylvester Hurd
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