You have heard the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Goldilocks climbed upstairs and saw that there were 3 pretty beds in front of her It had been an exhausting day so Goldilocks decided to have a lie down. She climbed into the first bed, but tossed and turned, it was far to hard. […]
How to Sink a Ship
Come at once. We have struck a berg. It’s a CQD, old man You have heard this story On the 15th April 1912 the Titanic sank on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. Whilst steaming at high-speed through an area of pack ice she hit an iceberg and broke in two. Over fifteen […]
The Simple Reason People Won’t do as You Ask
Some people just won’t follow commands. They won’t follow directives; they hate being told to what to do. This is a problem, particularly if you want them to behave differently, if you want that all elusive “cultural change”. Some cultural changes are harder than others Imagine the challenges facing Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the man who […]
The Most Powerful Management Tool in the World (Probably)
If you want your staff to do something, don’t just command them to do it, put in place a structure, something that helps them to do what you want. Make life easy for them: If you want short meetings, buy stand up meeting tables If you want conversation, lay on a great canteen If you […]
You are so Predictable
My Father studied History at University. I studied Genetics. This, in my brash young mind, made me a superior person. After all a science is useful, you can apply a science and make money out of it. History however, well what exactly can you do with that? I challenged my Dad once with this very […]