Test and learn I love hanging around musicians. I love their energy and perspectives that are different from mine. That’s why I was hanging out in a music studio on a fine summer day a few years ago while a recording session was underway. The band had been going for an hour or so when […]
The Problem with Cause and Effect
We think in straight lines Cause and effect. If I do this, then that will happen. If I make this change then I will get that outcome. Unfortunately the world isn’t like that. An initiative might work for a while, but then it will stop or backfire. Unintended consequences and side effects bedevil us. Performance will plateau or […]
Marshmallows and the Cure for Everything
Test and learn Now I’m married with daughters I don’t go out that often. Nightclubs and cinemas are a thing of the past (unless it is to watch Frozen… 4 times and counting). An evening in front of the TV is a treat. I sat down last night to watch a re-run of House. It […]
Where is Your Pilot Plant?
To improve you must learn Unfortunately, you only learn when you mess things up. You only learn how to ride a bike by falling off one. If you didn’t fall off, then you didn’t learn (I guess you already knew how to ride it). If you try something new and it works first time, fresh […]
5 TED Talks
You can find just about anything on the internet The web is full of ideas, answers and solution. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, and some of it — for some reason that is beyond me — is about laughing cats. If you must waste your life surfing the net (and I […]